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2021 what are the aspects of medical reform?

Date:2021-07-10 Hits:333

Compared with 2020, what aspects are 2021 medical reform reflected in?

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According to People's Daily, on July 8, the Information Office of the State Council held a routine briefing on the situation of key tasks related to deepening the reform of the medical and health system in 2021. Regarding social concern, Xu Shuqiang, deputy director of the State Health Care Commission, deputy director of the Secretariat of the State Council's Leading Group for medical reform, and director of the Department of System Reform of the State Health Care Commission, responded.

To promote the experience of Sanming medical reform, all regions should specify the timetable and responsible persons:

In June, the "key tasks of deepening medical reform in 2021" issued by the General Office of the State Council clearly stated that it continued to promote the transformation of taking disease treatment as the center to people's health as the center, and focused on solving the problems of difficult and expensive medical treatment, highlight the typical experience of promoting medical reform, strengthen the linkage of the reform system and achieve results.

In this regard, Li Bin introduced that the medical reform experience of Sanming city was further promoted this year. Sanming City took the comprehensive reform of public hospitals as the breakthrough point to promote the reform of "three medical linkage" of medical treatment, medical insurance and medicine as a whole, it has set a model for deepening medical reform nationwide.

According to Li Bin's introduction, the experience of Sanming medical reform is specifically: the leaders of the Party committee and government should focus on medical reform, and incorporate medical reform into the government's target management performance assessment and cadre assessment; Adhere to the reform of "three medical linkage, normally carry out joint price-limiting procurement of pharmaceutical consumables, reduce the price of virtual high, use 80% of the price reduction space to adjust the price of technical services, and bring the increased price of technical services into the scope of medical insurance payment, on the whole, it will not increase the burden on the people; Improve the financing mechanism of public hospitals, fully implement the government's investment responsibilities for the basic construction of public hospitals, the purchase of large equipment, the development of key disciplines, public health services, etc, large expenditures such as infrastructure construction of public hospitals will be included in the government budget.

In addition, for the salary system reform concerned by the society, Sanming city implemented the "two permits" requirements on the basis of dynamic adjustment of medical service prices, and approved the total salary of the hospital based on the medical service income, gradually improve the salary level of medical staff. "Realize the 'annual salary system for all employees and the work-system for calculating annual salary ', and cut off the direct connection between individual salary and department income." Li Bin pointed out that it is necessary to strengthen the supervision of medical institutions and build a compact county medical and health community. In the process of promoting the experience of Sanming medical reform, Li Bin stressed that it is necessary to adjust measures to local conditions, classify them, clarify the timetable, road map and responsible persons, and the specific reform measures can be quantified and assessed. "Currently, an evaluation index system for promoting Sanming medical reform experience is being formulated. We will select key indicators to regularly evaluate the work situation and achievements of each province, and report the results to the local Party committee and government."

Promote the balanced distribution of high-quality medical resources and improve the grading diagnosis and treatment system:

The establishment of an integrated medical and health service system with high quality and high efficiency with Chinese characteristics is an important decision-making and deployment on the implementation of the Healthy China strategy. Xu Shuqiang pointed out that the medical and health service system is the carrier of medical and health care. "High quality" mainly refers to the high technical level and humanization degree of service, that is, the masses can not only see the disease, but also see the disease more conveniently and comfortably; "High Efficiency" mainly refers to higher resource allocation efficiency of macro-level system and higher management and operation efficiency of micro-level institutions.

"Integrated" service mainly refers to the integration of various medical and health services and their management such as health promotion, disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment, nursing and rehabilitation, terminal care, etc. according to the needs of people's health, coordinate all kinds of medical and health institutions at all levels to provide continuous services for the people.

"To realize these requirements, we must vigorously promote the structural reform on the supply side and establish a high-quality, efficient and integrated medical and health service system, that is, to focus on the health needs of the people in the whole life cycle on the demand side, on the supply side, we should focus on prevention, grass-roots and system integration, and integrate health promotion, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation care, terminal care and other services to form a complete system, an integrated medical and health service system with reasonable layout, clear division of labor, complementary functions, continuous coordination, efficient operation and toughness." Xu Shuqiang said.

A few days ago, the National Development and Reform Commission, the National Health and Health Commission and other relevant departments jointly issued the implementation plan for the construction of high-quality and efficient medical and health service system in the 14th Five-Year Plan. "Starting from this year, we will focus on supporting the four major projects of public health prevention and control and treatment ability improvement project, high quality development project of public hospitals, short board project of health service for key groups, and innovation project of promoting traditional Chinese medicine inheritance, the project construction in 14 directions will play an important role in improving the medical and health service capacity." Xu Shuqiang introduced that after preliminary preparation, six counties in Shanxi, Zhejiang and Guangxi provinces were identified as pilot counties. We hope to provide continuous, convenient and sustainable medical and health services for the people in the pilot areas in about three years.

The implementation of hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system, promoting the balanced distribution of high-quality medical resources and promoting the formation of an orderly pattern of medical treatment are important tasks for deepening medical reform during the 14th Five-Year Plan period. According to Li Bin, pilot construction projects of the National Medical Center and the second batch of regional medical centers will be launched to reduce people's cross-regional medical treatment; Guide medical associations to pay more attention to disease prevention, improve the basic service ability, promote the primary diagnosis and two-way referral, and promote the development of specialized alliances and telemedicine collaboration networks.

Adhere to prevention first and strengthen the construction of public health system:

Only by building a strong public health system can we effectively provide a strong guarantee for safeguarding people's health.

According to Li Bin, this year, we will continue to strengthen the prevention and control of the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, improve the emergency response and prevention and control capabilities of major public health, establish and improve the treatment system of major epidemics, promote healthy China actions, and innovate medical and defense coordination mechanisms.

At present, our country is in the stage of normalized epidemic prevention and control, and the task of "external defense input and internal prevention rebound" is still arduous and arduous. Li Bin said that deepening medical reform should not only focus on the long term, implement the policy of giving priority to prevention, take the public health system as a key area to make up for shortcomings and strong and weak items, and continuously improve the system and mechanism for the prevention and control of major epidemics, based on the current situation, it is necessary to accelerate the improvement of public health prevention and treatment capabilities, and do a good job in the prevention and control of the new coronavirus epidemic.

Recently, some places have successively appeared Local Aggregation epidemic caused by overseas import. This is also a reminder that the epidemic prevention and control work cannot be relaxed at a moment; It is necessary to speed up the vaccination work and improve the coverage rate of the vaccination population. At the same time, it is necessary to implement monitoring and disposal measures, detect infected persons and risk factors as soon as possible, and carry out laboratory tests on suspicious cases; Strengthen the prevention and control of key institutions, key places and key groups, do a good job in epidemic prevention and control of aggregation activities; Prepare for emergency response to ensure that once the epidemic is found, it can be handled quickly and effectively.
